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We create high quality software and let you use it in a hassle-free way. The development process is transparent and scalable; the software is modular and robust; and the maintenance over the long life is painless. What is more, we host it and maintain it over its life for you, so you have zero worries.

It is based on years of research and practical project experience, both onsite and offshore.


We developed a way where a small core team can cater to a larger software requirement, by chopping the software into number of small modules and getting these modules independently developed from the developers. These developers could be inhouse resources and outsider freelancers.

The quality is stringently controlled at the module level with extensive unit testing at the time of module acceptance, which ensures a very high quality of software. A problem can be quickly traced at a module level, so a surgical fix is possible.

Our adaptive and agile process gives our clients complete visibility into the up-to-date status on the implementation of requirements and the implications of any changes. Incremental releases ensure that the product changes are visible first hand. A possibility is that the product may start being used while it is still under development, when the high priority features are completed.

Finally, we use technology that is mature, robust, scalable and secure. Successful applications always go beyond the prototyping phase, and it becomes painful to switch technology at a later stage if initially one started with a quick-and-dirty approach. We plan for your success, and hence focus on building software that lasts.

It is ideal for new product development or re-engineering of an existing product.

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